属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 50361-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 50360-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C99-100-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C99-101-2001
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-光电池 利用染料进行能量转化
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-光电池 室内太阳能
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
1 | 枪支弹药、爆炸物品;现钞、有价证券、票据、档案、帐册、图纸;动物、植物、农作物;便携式通讯装置、电脑设备、照相摄像器材及其他贵重物品 | Guns, ammunition or explosives; Banknotes, securities, bills,files, account books or drawings; Animals, plants and agricultural crops; Mobile phones , portable computers, removable photograph apparatus or other precious articles | |
2 | 如今啊,手机到处都是。它们经常给我们带来许多这样的烦恼。 | Mobile phones are everywhere and sometimes they can be very annoying. | |
3 | 瑞典方面最近公布了一项研究,结论是长期使用第一代手机的人长脑瘤的几率比不使用手机的人高80%。 | swedish research published recently concluded that long-term users of first generation mobile phones faced an up to 80 percent greater risk of developing brain tumors than non-users | |
4 | 瑞典最近的一项研究表明,移动电话对人体健康的损害尚未得到解决,而微波炉的辐射则会增加人的疲劳和头疼。 | Health concerns about mobile phones are unresolved, with microwave radiation linked to increased tiredness and headaches in one recent study in Sweden | |
5 | 手机,又称移动电话,使我们可以同四面八方的人通话。 | Cell phones, or mobile phones , make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. | |
6 | 手机设计中的ESD控制技术 | Technology to Control ESD When Designing Mobile Phones | |
7 | 手机是现代人生活所不可缺少的,但是,它们引起的一些麻烦也让许多人很头疼。 | Although they are a necessity of modern life, it is common to hear people complain about mobile phones . | |
8 | 信息产业部近日公布的一项调查显示,60%的消费者对价位在1000元至2000元人民币之间的手机最感兴趣,能接受3000元以上价位的不到6%。 | According to a recent survey disclosed by the Information Industry Administration, 60% of the consumers are most interested in mobile phones with prices between RMB1,000 and 2,000, while less than 6% can accept those with prices over 3,000. | |
9 | 一种新的手机交互方式 | A New Collaborative Interaction of Mobile Phones | |
10 | 移动电话的健康风险管理与沟通:预警架构的政策应用 | Health Risk Management and Communication of Mobile Phones : Application of the Precautionary Framework | |
11 | 移动电话内容服务系统的设计与实现 | Design and Implementation of Content Service System for Mobile Phones | |
12 | 移动电话智能化程度越高,人们就越难以摆脱来电的围绕,有朋友打来的,有雇主打来的,也有来自广告商的信息和主动服务,这们人们留给自己的时间就会越来越少。 | The smarter mobile phones get, the more people will be bombarded with calls from friends, employers and information or offers from advertisers-and the less time they will have for themselves | |
13 | 应用在移动电话与无线局域网络之天线发展趋势 | The Future Trend of Antennas for Mobile Phones and WLAN Applications | |
14 | 用户只需按几下手机按键便可播放该声波。 | Customers can then play the sound by hitting a few buttons on their mobile phones . | |
15 | 用移动电话大声交谈干扰我们的思路,破坏我们和朋友在一起轻声聊天所得到的乐趣。 | Loud conversations on mobile phones invade our thoughts or interrupt the pleasure of meeting friends for a quiet chat. | |
16 | 与人暴露于电磁场有关的移动电话特殊吸收测量的基本标准 | Basic standard for the measurement of specific absorption rate related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz-3 GHz) | |
17 | 与人暴露于电磁场有关的有基本限制的移动电话相一致的产品标准 | Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz-3 GHz) | |
18 | 与人暴露于电磁场有关的有基本限制的移动电话一致性证明的产品标准 | Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz-3 GHz). | |
19 | 与人暴露于移动电话电磁场(300MHz-3GHz)有关的特定吸收率测量的基本标准 | Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz-3 GHz). | |
20 | 在流动多媒体通讯领域尽占先机,以"3"为品牌,率先推出第三代(3G)手机与网络服务。 | "a pioneer of mobile multimedia communications with the launch of third-generation (3G)mobile phones and networks under the ""3"" brand " | |
21 | 在音乐会期间所有的呼机和手机必须关上。 | All beepers and mobile phones must be kept off during the concert. | |
22 | 这种手机携带方便,外形美观大方,备有多种色彩供挑选,它能自动控制音量。 | The mobile phone can be placed virtually anywhere and excellent in shape. We have various colours of mobile phones on hand. The volume level is automatically controlled. | |
23 | 政府立例禁止司机使用流动电话。新法例于四月生效,违例者最高可被罚款二千元。 | Drivers caught using mobile phones can be fined up to $2000 under a law to take effort in April. | |
24 | 最近,由于移动电话的改进,其体积大为缩小。 | Most recently, mobile phones have become significantly downsized as they have been improved | |
25 | ||1:G24的财务总监——Steve Burt谈到可用灯泡光进行供电的有电视遥控器,烟雾检测器和电脑键盘(无灯光时其内置的电池会发挥作用)。||2:这家公司已经开始提供袋子和夹克的样品,其中被缝入了光敏夹板,按照设计理念将可为数码相机和手机充电,此外一家拉斯维加斯的酒店正在使用G24的产品来运行其电动窗帘。||3:而在另一片市场——智能建筑中构成监测网络的温度,湿度等传感器供电领域中,Burt同样看到了公司产品不错的应用前景。 | ||1:Steven Burt, G24’s chief financial officer, talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls, smoke detectors and computer keyboards.(A non-removable internal battery would store charge for use when the lights are off.||2:) The company already offers prototypes of bags and jackets with photosensitive panels woven in, designed to charge digital cameras and mobile phones , and a hotel in Las Vegas is using G24’s products to run its electric window-blinds.||3:Mr Burt also sees a market for powering the networks of sensors needed to monitor things like temperature and humidity in modern "smart" buildings. | |
26 | ||1:G24的财务总监史蒂芬?伯特(Steven Burt)谈到了用灯泡供电的电视遥控器、烟雾探测器和电脑键盘。||2:(内置一个固定电池储存电能以在关灯后供电。||3:)该公司已推出内部装有光敏电池板的夹克和背包样品,用来为数码相机和手机充电。现在,拉斯维加斯的一家酒店使用了G24的产品来为其电动百叶窗供电。||4:史蒂芬?伯特还认为染料电池在为现代"智能"建筑中的传感器网络(用于监测温度、湿度等)供电方面很有市场。 | ||1:Steven Burt, G24’s chief financial officer, talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls, smoke detectors and computer keyboards.||2:(A non-removable internal battery would store charge for use when the lights are off.||3:) The company already offers prototypes of bags and jackets with photosensitive panels woven in, designed to charge digital cameras and mobile phones , and a hotel in Las Vegas is using G24’s products to run its electric window-blinds.||4:Mr Burt also sees a market for powering the networks of sensors needed to monitor things like temperature and humidity in modern "smart" buildings. | |
27 | ||1:虽然在新市场增长前景一片大好,但是维基百科仍然面临两大障碍。||2:现在发展中国家的很多人都能通过手机进入维基百科,这是好事,但是这些手机编辑功能不强。||3:在顺从型文化背景下,在人们几乎没怎么参与过公共管理的社会,维基百科也很难向那里的人们解释其实每一个用户都有编辑权(这也是一种责任),只要他认为自己能改善百科。 | ||1:Despite rosy forecasts for emerging-market growth, Wikipedia still faces two big obstacles.||2:It is good that so many people in the developing world now access the encyclopedia from mobile phones , but such devices are ill-suited to editing.||3:In deferential cultures and those with little experience of public participation, Wikipedia has also had particular trouble explaining that every single user has the right (and indeed the duty) to edit an article if he thinks he can improve it. | |
28 | 可是像AppMakr这样明智的企业正从为智能手机创造应用转向为智能手机创造制造应用的应用。 | But the clever ones, like AppMakr, are moving from creating stuff for mobile phones to creating the stuff that creates the stuff for mobile phones. | |
29 | 且诺基亚也曾生产过世界最酷的手机。 | Nokia once made the world’s coolest mobile phones . | |
30 | Carr-Gregg是墨尔本一家大学的儿科学教授,他担心移动电话会使人分散精神和过度兴奋。 | Carr-Gregg, a University of Melbourne professor of paediatrics, is worried about the power of mobile phones to distract and overexcite. |